One Word

My Lovely sister tagged me.
Here Goes...
1. Answer the questions using only one word.
2. Tag two others...Zack, John
Where is your cell phone? nightstand
Your significant other? dunno
Your hair? brown
Your mother? silly
Your father? Strong
Your favorite thing? Music
Your dream last night? none
Your favorite drink? coke
Your dream/goal? distant
The room you’re in? bedroom
Your hobby? Golf
Your fear? Evil
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Married
What you’re not? tired
Muffins? none
One of your wish list items? bass
Where you grew up? clarksville
Last thing you did? eat
Favorite gadget? iPod
Your pets? none
Your computer? macbook
Your mood? bored
Missing someone? nope
Your car? CRAP
Favorite store? Music Stop
Like someone? yes
Your favorite color? blue
Last time you laughed? earlier
Last time you cried? dunno
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