Football and other things.

My life the last couple of weeks can be summed up in three words. BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! I have started back to school. I am in my second week of school and it is going great. I like all of my classes and am excited, for the first time, about school. I am still working at the Church and things are going great with that too. I have learned that making a schedule and sticking to it is imperative to not getting behind. I have not been know as an "organized" person but I am getting better. One thing that has helped me get organized is my new iPhone. I absolutely love it. It is an amazing piece of technological wizardry that can do just about everything.
Back to the main point of my blog today.
Are you ready for some Football!!??
It's football time again in our great country and with that beings the epic battle of the SWFL. That's right the Shaw-Whitaker Football League. Every year my immediate family and friends have a pro and college football pickems tourney. Last year I won the college and my sis won the pro. It's gonna be a good year and I feel confident of a repeat win. Football has been something that has become a real staple in our families and has accutally brought us closer togther. Since we all live in different parts of the state it has gotten hard to stay in touch. We all live busy lives and it is nice to be able to have interaction with each other even if we are hundreds of miles apart.
I am starting a tradition of ending every post with a joke and to begin this tradition I give you a classic.
How do you get a one-armed man out of a tree??
ha ha.
thats right I laugh at my own jokes!!
I love the joke thing! You'll be able to do that forever!!
And yeah!! for you being organized. I can hardly believe it!
did you REALLY spell our last name wrong?
uh no.... can't you read????