
I had my first test (college algebra) of the semester on Friday of last week. I was confident that I did well, but there is still nagging little voice in the back of your head saying "are you sure you answered that right?, what if you messed up?....". I went to class today, all exited about finding out what the grade was, and of course my professor said, "I got your tests graded and you will get them back at the END of class." So then I had to wait for an hour and 15 mins to find out. Even more time to sit and wonder if really knew what I was doing when i took the test. At the end of the hour she announced that because of the scores on the tests she was going to allow people to come to her office and retake the problems missed, provided that they do all of problems out of the book and turned them in to her. Now I am really freaking out. If that many people did bad surely I screwed up big time. She handed out the paper alphabetically, and being that my last name starts with an "S" I was at the end of list. The people beside and in front of me got a 78 and 83 (we really weren't supposed to look at each others grades but they made no effort to hide it and I couldn't help myself) and they seemed like they knew just as much as I did in class. Finnaly she got to me. As she handed my test to me, folder in half, I couldn't help but get that little tingling feeling in my stomach. I unfolded my paper and, much to my delight, I say a big fat 101!!!! I was so excited I did a little fist pump in the air. In hindsight I might of come across as concieded, but I couldn't help myself. It was so reassuring to work at something and then be richly rewarded.
No Joke today, Instead a word of wisdom.
Don't park in front of fire hydrants or this could be your car!!
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