Adventures in Graphic Design

Tonight is LP's first concert as Director of Orchestras at DMS. She is very excited and obviously a little nervous. A couple of weeks ago she asked me to help her with the program bulletin and being the nice guy ;) that I am, I agreed to do it. So on saturday she got me the program info and I went to work on coming up with a layout. On a side note, if you do not know me well enough, then I shall tell you that when I get into something I get into pretty hardcore and I am somewhat of a perfectionist. With that being said I spent like 4 hours on saturday working on. Sunday night I got the final revisions from LP's co worker, the band director, and got started on getting the final proof ready. After doing so I got to work on printing, which I also agreed to do. I had found someone that would let me use their color copier for a very good rate, much cheaper then having done at Kinko's or the like. So I got to work. 4 hours later I finally finished, though it was 2:30 in the morning.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!