Adventures in Graphic Design

Tonight is LP's first concert as Director of Orchestras at DMS. She is very excited and obviously a little nervous. A couple of weeks ago she asked me to help her with the program bulletin and being the nice guy ;) that I am, I agreed to do it. So on saturday she got me the program info and I went to work on coming up with a layout. On a side note, if you do not know me well enough, then I shall tell you that when I get into something I get into pretty hardcore and I am somewhat of a perfectionist. With that being said I spent like 4 hours on saturday working on. Sunday night I got the final revisions from LP's co worker, the band director, and got started on getting the final proof ready. After doing so I got to work on printing, which I also agreed to do. I had found someone that would let me use their color copier for a very good rate, much cheaper then having done at Kinko's or the like. So I got to work. 4 hours later I finally finished, though it was 2:30 in the morning.

So after a very late night and lots of time the finished product was something to be proud of and so if you guys ever need any graphic design stuff done give me ring and I will send you my designs.

I didn't mean for this to come out as an add for myself but oh well. Hopefully I have distracted you from your boredom. Because you must be bored if you are reading this... ha ha.


BTW have you ever wondered what printer come with when you buy one?

The printer is comprised of three main parts; the case, the jammed paper tray,
and the blinking red light.

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1 Response to "Adventures in Graphic Design"

  1. Thank you so much!!!!!!!

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