Where did this come from??

Well as the two previous post before this one have said..... I once again am back.
Have you ever googled yourself?? It's pretty fun! I was googling myself the other day and found out that I am a DJ/Recording artist from the UK, a peabody award winning reporter/producer from WA, the founding member of an investments group, and writer of a blog in Murfreesboro.... Wait WHAT???...I saw my blog on there and I was like "o yeah.... I forgot about that thing." So anyway here I am back again.
So much has happened over that last 10 months that there is no way I could go into detail about it all so Here is an overview.
I have....
- Gone to Chicago... twice -- Gone to DC -- Gone to St. Louis -- Gone white water rafting -- Bought a new car -- Played a bunch of shows and worship events -- Switched from bass to guitar in the worship band -- gotten slightly better at guitar :) -- Turned 25 -- played in two golf tournaments -- cleaned my apartment (twice... he he) -- gotten a new guitar and amp -- written several song with Mike -- Joined a country band -- Found out I am gonna be an Uncle to a wonder boy who's name will be Cooper Alan.... but probably the most significant thing that has happened... I met a wonderful girl name Laura. We have been dating officially for two weeks but unofficially we have been dating for like 5 months ( I take for ever to make up my mind he he). She is wonderful and makes me a better person.

I'm sure there are a bunch of other things that I have done but these are the most interesting or significant. I am still working at the church and still loving it. These kids are awesome and it is such a blessing to be able to help mold the future church. I only hope that God continues bless my life with wonderful people and experiences.
I am gonna try to keep up with this thing a little more so if anyone is actually reading this thing there will be more to come. I promise.
...And I have not forgotten about jokes either so here is a new one for all you guitar players.
I have a hard time believing that your nephew comes second on your list!